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Returns Policy

Cancellation/Changes to orders

It is generally not possible to change or cancel orders which have been specially manufactured. Any cancellation of orders must have Omnitec's written consent. The Buyer is liable for all costs incurred by Omnitec caused by changes made by the Buyer to the Buyer's purchase order.

Return of Goods, Resupply & Refunds

Returns will only be accepted by Omnitec if the product is not in accordance with the Buyer's order and the product is returned unused, unassembled, in the original packaging and with all parts and accessories. Omnitec does not offer a refund or exchange to the Buyer if the Buyer simply changes their mind or the Buyer orders goods incorrectly.

The Buyer must notify Omnitec by email within seven (7) business days from receipt of goods if the goods have been supplied incorrectly. In the absence of Buyer receipt of delivery, the date shall be assumed to be seven (7) business days from the date of dispatch by Omnitec.
If Omnitec has supplied goods not in accordance with the Buyers order, Omnitec will resupply the goods or incorrect component of the goods at no cost to the Buyer and make arrangements for the return of the incorrect goods.
If the Buyer elects to receive a refund in lieu of a replacement of incorrect goods, Omnitec will refund to the Buyer, the original purchase price of the goods.

Transit Damage Claims

The Buyer must notify Omnitec by email within seven (7) business days from receipt of goods if the goods have been received damaged. In the absence of Buyer receipt of delivery, the date shall be assumed to be seven (7) business days from the date of dispatch by Omnitec.

Omnitec may ignore any claim for transit damage not notified to Omnitec within the time limit specified in this clause. Omnitec may also ignore any claim for replacement of damaged goods supplied if: (a) Omnitec is not permitted to inspect the goods on request; or (b) there is reasonable evidence that the goods were damaged after supply by misuse or unreasonable use.

Subject to the above, if Omnitec has supplied goods that are damaged, Omnitec will resupply the goods or the incorrect component of the goods, at Omnitec discretion, at no cost to the Buyer and make arrangements for the return of the damaged goods.
If the Buyer elects to receive a refund in lieu of replacement of damaged goods, Omnitec will refund to the Buyer, the original purchase price of the damaged goods.

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