The introduction of laptop computers, smart phones, tablets and wireless connectivity has facilitated, or rather forced, a noticeable shift in the nature of office design. These rapid advancements in technology have allowed workers to work anywhere at any time and brought with it a higher level of mobility...and a rethink of office furniture design.
The introduction of the flat screen monitor in the last decade facilitated shallower desktops and a shift to rectangular desking rather than corner or 120 degree designs which were required to accommodate the large CRT monitors of the past.
As the technology world continues to shrink the devices we use each day, most modern offices have transitioned to smaller desks but with more technology support. Where power and data points were once the only requirements for connectivity, the provision of rapid USB charging is now high on the list.
With the introduction of electronic presentation equipment, meeting and conference areas have generally become less dedicated in nature and the furniture increasingly more mobile. Today's conference tables must contain a multitude of cabling and equipment that is embedded within the table itself with connectivity designed to be readily accessible but without being visible.
The wholesale transformation from hardcopy to digital in the last decade and the rapidly advancing trend towards the paperless office environment has drastically reduced the requirements for filing and storage in the office.
Fully-networked MFC (Multi-Function Centres) have rendered multiple and dedicated office equipment such as printers and scanners obsolete, and facilitated the integration of space-saving utility hubs.
Where to from now...we'll have to wait and see... office design will always have to adjust to meet the changing demands of technology, it's users and their working